A number of NPI. Neighbourhood Watch and ORG members were out on Patrol with the Kingstanding Neighbourhood Police Tasking group on Wednesday.
The Bandwood Estate was chosen for this patrol and a number of residents were contacted about policing and other issues during the patrols which took place.
Brian Brookes senior NPI Coordinator said" this is a good way for those of us trying to help the Police prevent crime, to get to know some of the problems in the area. I was pleased that during our patrols one youngster received a warning about using drugs." Maureen Byrnes another on patrol said it " it was also good to see Counillor Keith Linnecor and officers of the Council on patrol as there were a number of other none Police issues raised by the public."
The Bandwood Estate was chosen for this patrol and a number of residents were contacted about policing and other issues during the patrols which took place.
Brian Brookes senior NPI Coordinator said" this is a good way for those of us trying to help the Police prevent crime, to get to know some of the problems in the area. I was pleased that during our patrols one youngster received a warning about using drugs." Maureen Byrnes another on patrol said it " it was also good to see Counillor Keith Linnecor and officers of the Council on patrol as there were a number of other none Police issues raised by the public."
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